Futsal Winter Classic Rules

Futsal Winter Classic Tournament

February 3-4, 2024

Tournament Rules

Registration and Team Eligibility:
➢ Teams will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
➢ All teams will play 5 per side (4 field players and 1 goalkeeper), with the maximum number of players
on the roster being 10. Players may not be added to a roster once the tournament begins.
➢ There will be boy’s divisions and girl’s divisions.

Laws of the Game:
➢ This event will be governed by the playing rules of FIFA/USSF Futsal laws of the game, except where
amended by USYSA and/or Wild West Futsal Tournament rules (see below). Certified referees will be
used for all matches. The Tournament committee reserves the right to modify these rules as needed.

Duration of the Match/Overtime:
➢ All games will consist of two 18 minute halves with a 2 minute halftime. There will be a running clock
on each court, and that clock will be official. Under rare circumstances (e.g. the taking of a penalty
kick), the referee may extend the end of a half/match.
➢ In play-off competition (quarter-final, semi-final, final), the following overtime procedure will be used:
– Overtime will be “Golden Goal” (first team to score, wins).
– Each team will begin overtime with 5 players.
– Kickoff decided by coin toss.
– If no goal is scored after 1 minute of play, each team will remove one player (4 v 4).
– If no goal is scored after 2 minutes of play, each team will remove another player (3 v 3).
– If no goal is scored after 3 minutes of play, each team will remove another player (2 v 2).
– If the game is still tied at the end of 5 minutes, kicks from the penalty mark will be used to
determine who advances/wins as follows.
– Referee will decide which goal to use. A coin toss will determine which team kicks first.
– 3 kicks will be taken by 3 different eligible players (eligible players are all players listed on the
roster). Any player “on a red card” will not be eligible.
– If, after 3 kicks, the score is still tied, kicks will continue to be taken on a “sudden death”
basis. All eligible players must kick (unless injured) before a kicker may kick a second time.
– Any eligible player may change places with the goalkeeper.

Prior to the Start of the Match/Kickoff:
➢ Teams should have a dark and a light set of jerseys, and each jersey must be numbered. In the event
of a conflict, the home team shall be responsible for using an alternate color jersey or wear pinnies.
➢ All USSF/USYSA uniform requirements will be enforced (shin guards must be worn, no jewelry, etc.).
➢ Regulation Futsal balls will be used, and game balls will be provided for each game.

➢ Games will start on time. Teams must be on the court, with at least 3 players, ready to play at game
time. If teams are not ready, they will forfeit the match.
➢ The team listed first during qualifying rounds shall be the home team.
➢ The home team will kick off to start the match. The opposing team will kick off to start the second half.
➢ A goal may be scored directly from a kickoff.

➢ All teams are allowed unlimited substitutions within their entire roster. Substitution method is “Flying
Substitution.” Field player substitutions may be made when the ball is in or out of play. Goalkeeper
substitutions may only be made when the ball is out of play and with the referee’s consent.

Ball In/Out of Play and Restarts:
➢ The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line, when the game is
stopped by the referee, or when the ball hits the ceiling, light fixture, support beam, etc.
➢ If the ball passes over the touchline, play will be restarted with a “kick-in” by the opposing team of the
team who last touched the ball. A kick-in must be taken from the touch line where the ball went out of
play, the ball must be stationary, the kick-in must be taken within 4 seconds, and all opponents must
be at least 4 feet from the ball. All kick-ins are “indirect.”
➢ If a ball hits the ceiling, light fixture, etc., a kick-in will be taken by a member of the opposing team
from the team that last touched the ball before it hit the ceiling/fixture. That kick will be taken at the
spot on the touchline even with where the ball hit the ceiling.
➢ If the ball crosses the goal line last touched by a defender, a corner kick will be awarded. If the ball
crosses the goal line last touched by an attacker, a goal clearance (goalkeeper throw) will be
awarded. A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick, but not directly from a goal clearance.
➢ A goal clearance is a throw taken by the goalkeeper from any point within his/her penalty area after
the ball has left play across the goal line. The goalkeeper has 4 seconds to release the ball directly
into play. The goalkeeper MAY throw the ball the entire length of the court, but a goal cannot be
scored directly from a goalkeeper’s throw. A ball is not in play on a goal clearance until it has left the
goalkeepers penalty area.
➢ For DFK fouls, a direct kick will be awarded (a goal may be scored directly). For IDFK infractions, an
indirect free kick will be awarded (a goal may not be scored directly). The opposing team may form a
defensive wall on either kick, but all opponents must be at least 6 feet from the ball. A free kick (IDFK
or DFK) must be taken within 4 seconds.

During the Course of Play:
➢ Offside will not be called.
➢ A goalkeeper may not receive the ball into his/her hands via a pass or kick-in from a teammate.
➢ During the run of play, after collecting the ball with his/her hands (shot, etc.), the goalkeeper has 4
seconds to put the ball back into play. The goalkeeper may throw the ball back into play (including the
entire length of the floor) or may drop the ball to his/her feet, and proceed in that manner. “Punting”
the ball is not allowed. A goal may not be scored directly from the goalkeeper’s hands.

➢ Slide tackling is not allowed. A slide tackle will be punished by awarding a direct free kick, and the
offending player may be cautioned and/or sent off for 2 minutes (as described below). This includes
goalkeepers outside of their penalty area.
➢ A player may be sent from the court for a 2 minute “penalty” for any infraction/foul committed to
excess (note slide tackling above).
➢ A player may also be cautioned (yellow carded) or sent off (red carded) as per the laws of the game.
A cautioned (yellow carded) player may be substituted for immediately. A red carded player may not
return to the match and will be suspended for that team’s next match.
➢ If a player is sent off (red carded), that player’s team will play short for 5 minutes even if the opposing
team scores a goal. The team will return to full strength after 5 minutes.
➢ All players/etc. who engage in fighting will be ejected (red carded) from the match and will not be able
to participate for the remainder of the tournament.

Standings and Tie Breakers:

➢ Schedules, results, and standings will be updated and posted online.
➢ Scoring for the tournament will be as follows:
• WIN – 6 Points
• LOSS – 0 Points
• TIE – 3 Points
• SHUTOUT – 1 Point
• GOALS – 1 Point for each goal scored (maximum of 3)
• RED CARDS – 1 Point deducted for each red card

➢ A forfeit will be scored as 1-0, and the winning team will receive 8 points for that game. A team that
forfeits a game by not showing up will not be allowed to advance to the championship rounds.
➢ No overtime will be played during group competition.
➢ The following criteria will determine which teams advance after pool play:

▪ Divisions with four (4) teams – Top two teams (highest point totals) after pool play will
advance to the Championship Game.

▪ Divisions with six (6) teams – Crossover Pool play (2 pools of 3 teams). All teams in Pool A
will play all teams in Pool B. Top two teams (highest point totals) after pool play will
advance to the Championship Game.

1 4
2 5
3 6

▪ Divisions with eight (8) teams – Pool play (2 pools of 4 teams). All teams in Pool A will play
each other and all teams in Pool B will play each other. The 1st place team from Pool A
and the 1st place team from Pool B will advance to the Championship Game

1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

➢ Within a division, if after the completion of the preliminary rounds, two or more teams are tied, the
following will be used sequentially to determine which team advances to the semi-final and
championship round:
1) Winner of head to head competition unless 3 or more teams are tied.
2) Fewest total goals allowed
3) Best goal differential (goals for minus goals against; max of 4 goals per game).
4) Kicks from the penalty spot

➢ In case of a 3-team tie within a bracket, the following tie-breaker will be used until a team is eliminated,
then the process starts again with the remaining teams:
1) Fewest goals allowed
2) Best goal differential (goals for minus goals against; max of 4 goals per game)

Placement of Teams and Spectators:
➢ Teams and rostered coaches will position themselves on the same side of the field.
➢ Spectators for both teams will be positioned in the designated areas per the tournament director and
facility manager
➢ Parents/Guardians are responsible for supervision of their children at all times.

Protests & Disputes: There will be no protests or appeals of any kind. The decision of
the referee is final.

Conduct and Discipline:
➢ A coach is responsible for the words and actions of his/her players and spectators. Verbal abuse of the
opponents or referee by players, coaches, or spectators will not be tolerated.
➢ Violations may result in forfeiture of the game(s) and/or expulsion from the tournament.
➢ A coach who is removed from a game must leave that area of the field. The area of the field includes
but is not limited to the bench and spectator areas.
➢ Alcohol and/or tobacco is NOT permitted at any tournament site.

Red Cards:
➢ A player who receives a red card or a coach/other bench staff who is sent off during a match will be
suspended for a minimum of one game following the infraction. Any “dual rostered” player who is red
carded will be suspended from his/her next match for that team. Additional suspensions may result if
deemed necessary by the tournament committee.

The Tournament Committee’s, or their official representative’s, interpretation of the rules shall be
final pertaining to this Tournament.